A few places left on our next online 10-week CELI2-B1 preparation course starting on Wednesday 15th January from 19:00 to 20:30.
To enrol: https://languagesunlimited.ie/product/celi-2-b1-examinations-preparation-course/

A few places left on our next online 10-week CELI2-B1 preparation course starting on Wednesday 15th January from 19:00 to 20:30.
To enrol: https://languagesunlimited.ie/product/celi-2-b1-examinations-preparation-course/
The next CELI exams (all levels from A1 to C2) will take place on the 12th March 2025 – Enrolment will close on the 10th February 2025.
We are launching new courses to prepare for the CILS B1 cittadinanza exam required to obtain Italian citizenship. An 8-week course for candidates at level B1 will start on Wednesday 3rd April 2024 while a 16-week course for candidates at level A2 will start on Wednesday 14th February 2024. Note that both courses are aiming at preparing students for the 5th June 2024 examination taking place at University College Cork (or on the 17/10/24 or 5/12/24). Both courses will be on online and host a maximum of six students per group.
We are now taking enrolment for our upcoming online evening courses starting in September. Complete beginners, Preliminary and Intermediate levels available. All courses are for 10 weeks (1.5 hours per week) and all groups are for 6 participants maximum, offer at €200.00 until 1st July 2024.